High Court of Karnataka Official Web Site

Inviting of applications for preparation of Head-notes for the Judgments at High Court of Madras. To download Statement of Marks, who are not eligible for Viva-Voce and Not Selected to the post of Civil Judges-2023. High Court of Karnataka (Designation of Senior Advocates) (Amendment) Rules, 2024. Selection List for the post of Cable Operator.


Click here for April-2024 Karnataka Open School (K.O.S) Main Examination Notification. G.O. Related to conducting Assessment 2 for Class 9 students and Annual exam for Class 11 students by KSEAB from the year 2023-24. G.O R elated to naming SSLC and II PUC Exams as Exam-1, 2 and 3 and conducting them by KSEAB from the year 2023-24.

List of Old Age Homes in Bangalore

Old Age Home – Bangalore Center. B lore-05. Kumara Park East, B lore-01. Richmond Town, Blr-25. Also See: Filed Under: Old Age Homes Tagged With: bangalore old age homes, retirement homes, retirement homes in bangalore. We list the old age homes in Bangalore for your convenience. The least we can do is take care of the elderly in …


Any objections on the content of the application summarized here must be conveyed to the Higher Education Department by date: 12.01.2023 via Email: highereducationso1@gmail. The objections will be duly verified by the Higher Education Department and appropriate modifications will be made only if they are as per …


Proseal Closures Limited. Bengaluru - India. Manufacturer And Exporters Of Steel Drum Closures, Flanges & Plugs. Other Products Include Capseals (Metal & Plastic), Tag Rings, Paint Caps, Plastic Plugs, Namely Nylon, Polypropylene, Hdpe.Other Products And Services Include Stainless Steel Flanges & Plugs, Zinc Alloy Plugs, Plugs Wren... To the page.

47 Best Places To Visit In Karnataka For An Amazing …

5. Shimoga. Image Source. Shimoga, the cultural capital of Karnataka, is a colourful place enriched with fertile land, beautiful waterfalls, and lush green forests making it one of the best tourist places in Karnataka. Its verdant greenery and tranquil ambience make it one of the best places to visit in Karnataka.

Цэцэгсийн монгол нэрс

Чийгийг нэмэгдүүлэхийн тулд савны доор байрлах тавганд чулуу, хайрга дэвсэж болно. Гэрэл хангалтгүй бол цэцэглэдэггүй. Боломжтой бол зун сүүдэрлэг газарт гадаа тавих хэрэгтэй.

Creating a List of Objects in Kotlin | Baeldung on Kotlin

1. Introduction. Kotlin provides various ways to create lists of objects. In this tutorial, we'll explore three common methods for creating lists in Kotlin – using listOf (), mutableListOf (), and the List () constructor. By understanding these methods, we'll be able to effectively manage and manipulate lists in our applications.


2020 оны 11 сарын 04-ны өдөр Паркийн удирдлага болон мэргэжилтнүүд Парктай хамтран ажиллах гэрээ байгуулж, бүтээн байгуулалтын ажлаа эхлээд буй "Ногоон цагираг" ХХК-ийн Улаанбаатар хот дахь үйлдвэртэй биечлэн танилцлаа.


BUNN G2A кофе бутлагч нь их хэмжээний кофе нэг дор бутлах зориулалттай ба сайн чанарын иртэй тул кофены ширхгийг жигд буталдаг давуу талтай. Кофег хамгийн бага хаягдалтай буталдаг ба кофены ширхгийг нунтгаас бүдүүн ...