Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)

LLDPE is a substantially linear polymer (polyethylene), with significant numbers of short branches, commonly made by copolymerization of ethylene with longer-chain of olefins. Linear low-density polyethylene differs structurally from predictable low-density polyethylene (LDPE) because of the absence of long chain branching.

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What is Linear Low-density Polyethylene? | Xometry

Linear low-density polyethylene is a semi-crystalline polymer with many short branches on its main molecular chains. This means that these linear molecules do not become entangled as easily as LDPE and HDPE. The figure below indicates the difference between LLDPE and other common forms of polyethylene. Molecular chain comparison …

The Great Divide: LDPE vs LLDPE – A Comprehensive …

Density Matters: Defining the Crucial Parameter. The fundamental distinction between LDPE and LLDPE lies in their density. LDPE's lower density grants it greater flexibility, while LLDPE's higher density imparts improved mechanical strength and heat resistance. Choosing between these polymers hinges on the specific requirements of the ...


LDPE. Established in 1978, the company is the first manufacturer of LDPE plastics resins based in Thailand and has become the country's only EVA manufacturer with a total …

Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) | Dow Inc.

Products. Support. Steadfast performance. A balance of the best. Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) resins from Dow, offers a steadfast set of physical and processing properties. High tensile strength. High impact resistance. High puncture resistance. Excellent stretch, flexibility and elongation.