Sendzimir Innovation By Design

From Sendzimir 20-High Cluster mills, to Z-High retrofits, T. Sendzimir, Inc. is a dynamic mechanical engineering firm dedicated to the improvement of machine design and rolling processes. In total, Sendzimir now has over 265 cluster mills to our credit as well as 55 Z …


Sendzimir Whitepapers The following pages are articles that various people at Sendzimir have written over the years. Please browse at will to discover stimulating ideas and fodder for future thought. You may find here that science fiction has become science fact!


Careers. T. Sendzimir, Inc. is a Rolling Mill Technology and Machine Design company that specializes in 20-High Sendzimir Mills. As a dynamic mechanical engineering firm dedicated to the improvement of machine design and rolling processes, we hire an innovative staff of engineers and designers who have considerable depth of experience in …


Company History & Milestones Our company's rich history was set in motion in 1929, the year Tadeusz Sendzimir left for America. Having been fascinated by machinery since childhood, Sendzimir designed galvanizing lines in both Butler, Pennsylvania and …

Giants of Polish Science

We encourage you to watch Alina Czerniakowska's documentary film on the life and work of Tadeusz Sendzimir, one of the most outstanding Polish engineers of the 20th century. Tadeusz Sendzimir, (originally spelled Tadeusz Sędzimir), was born on 15 July 1894, and died on 1 September 1989. He came from Cracow nobility of the Ostoja coat of arms ...

Planetary Mill

The Planetary mill was Sendzimir's 29th patent in 1954. In many respects, this machine was way ahead of its time technically. It is true that it was a machine for the times with many customers looking to make no more than perhaps a million tons/year. However, later on, the hot tandem mill took over to make 5 or more million tons per year, and ...

SENDZIMIR Award Recipients

Tadeusz Sendzimir (1894-1989) received worldwide recognition for his outstanding and numerous contributions to metallurgy. By the early 1980s up to 90 percent of the world's stainless steel passed through the Sendzimir process. Overall, Tadeusz Sendzimir, and the company he founded, has helped to alter the complete technological processes in …

Начало | Тандем

Тандем. От създаването си до днес в „Тандем" работим с респект и отговорност към потребителите, към себе си и към продуктите, които произвеждаме, защото вашето доверие е най-ценният ...

Sendzimir Innovation By Design

From Sendzimir 20-High Cluster mills, to Z-High retrofits, T. Sendzimir, Inc. is a dynamic mechanical engineering firm dedicated to the improvement of machine design and rolling processes. In total, Sendzimir now has over 265 cluster mills to our credit as well as 55 Z-High® mills and 16 Planetary mills in over 43 countries.


Company History & Milestones Our company's rich history was set in motion in 1929, the year Tadeusz Sendzimir left for America. Having been fascinated by machinery since childhood, Sendzimir designed galvanizing lines in both Butler, Pennsylvania and Middletown, Ohio with the ARMCO company. Tadeusz eventually moved to Waterbury, …


The Sendzimir manual is based on the real-life experiences of our top mill technicians. This resource is an indisputable asset for any mill rolling operation facility where Sendzimir products are in use. The decades-spanning experience of T. Sendzimir Inc. sets our company apart, which is why this accumulation of our field-tested knowledge is ...

20 High Mill

Positionable Sprayboards. Sendzimir's 20 High Mills offer crucial manufacturing advantages: quality of surface, thin gauge capability, gauge tolerance, and shape.


Resources Sendzimir offers a wide variety of resources to our customers from whitepapers to manuals. Explore these resources and get the most out of your Sendzimir products. Whitepapers With such an abundance of innovation coming from Sendzimir, our whitepapers are great resources for understanding what makes us so unique. LEARN …

Flex Backing Assemblies

Because of our innovative technology, Sendzimir Inc. is able to set up Sendzimir mills for both the "M" and "W" shapes that provide better shape control during manufacturing processes. Furthermore, flexible shaft backing assemblies are able to either move that shape towards the center, or closer to the edge of the strip, thus allowing ...

Copper Producer Likes Advantages of Z-Mill Split Housing Design

Mitsubishi Shindoh, a Japanese copper sheet and strip producer, has been operating since 2000 a 26 in (660 mm). wide Sendzimir Z-mill with a pre-stressed split housing supplied by Sendzimir Japan, Ltd. The mill includes Sendzimir's patented Flexible Shaft Backing Assemblies for improved control of strip shape and is rolling copper and …

New Machine Design

New Machine Design Sendzimir is a company that can handle new machinery concepts that have not been designed and built before. In the past we have designed, developed and put into practical operation a variety of mechanical engineering concepts. At times, we produced these new machine designs independently, and at other times we worked …

Split Housing

While our Monoblock housing has the strongest mill modules for a ZR 21 mill, at 496 MTons/mm, the Sendzimir split housing design is the second stiffest at 320 MTons/mm, which makes it an ideal choice for projects that require a combination of strength and wider strip widths. Our split housing design is unique in the industry because the two ...

Spare Parts

We've Got Spare Parts For Sale! INNOVATION BY DESIGN. Design, Fabrication, Installation, Maintenance. Do you own any of these mills? ZR 16, ZR 32, ZR 24, ZR 33, ZR 23, ZR 22, ZR 21. If so, we've got spare parts in stock for you! Upgrade Your Mill With A Z-High® Insert!

Standard Backing Assemblies

Standard Backing Assemblies While Sendzimir Inc. is proud of the efficiency we are able to provide with our Flex backing assemblies, we are equally confident in our Standard backing assemblies' ability to exceed our customers' expectations. Sendzimir's standard backing assemblies include modified backing assemblies as well as a modified upper idler roll.