About RETech | RETech Germany

About RETech. German RETech Partnership is the network of German companies and institutions in the waste management and recycling industry for the export of innovative technologies and the transfer of know-how. Climate protection and resource efficiency are becoming more and more important. To this effect, the waste management and recycling ...

Heated Godet Rolls

Energy saving is a standa rd at Retech for motors and heating eq uipment. Godet roll designs rely on the proven and continuously improved energy saving technology developed by Retech R &D in Switzerland. Retech …


RETECH - Quality for professionals. Vyberte si z katalogu. Všechny naše výrobky jsou zařazeny v kategoriích.

Výrobky | Retech

NOZ-001. Multi Cleaner Strong. NOZ-003. High Gloss Clear. 32pcs Bit Set. Thermo Seal Clear. Black Matt & Gloss Spray. Moulding Tool. Music Wire Handles.

Retech | Toll Melting

Whether you are already at capacity on your equipment, don't want to contaminate your current system, or have a demand that isn't large enough to justify a new installation, …

A cégről | Retech

A cégről. Cégünk a RETECH kft. gépkocsijavítás és karbantartás terén használatos anyagok gyártásával, forgalmazásával és exportálásával foglalkozik. Cégünk ügyfélcentrikus politikáját magas szintű szakmai képzettséggel és professzionalitással ötvözi. Az egyedi ügyfélkezelésnek köszönhetően a legnevesebb ...

Temperature Transmitters – Signals from Heated Godet Rolls

The temperature modules transmit a rotating temperature signal to a stationary receiver component. Temperature transmitters are applied mainly for multi-zone heated godet rolls. They are proven to run in a harsh EMC environment. The transmitters work by contactless induction data transmission. Ageing, pollution and high outside temperatures don ...


RETECH®, a truly Sri Lankan company, was founded in 2018 proceeding with the 'Green energy' concept to bring out a change in Sri Lanka encouraging the community to go for an energy efficient way to save energy and make your life easier. Our intention is to provide reliable, trustworthy, user friendly and affordable industrial solutions.

Information | RETech Germany

RETech supports and organizes subject-specific events, meetings, delegation travels on national and international levels. more information. For further access to know-how and technology 'Made in Germany' please contact RETech. Capacity development and going with it innovation and knowledge transfer is a key objective of RETech.


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Retech (Switzerland) draws fibres to perfection

Retech is a world-leading provider of high-quality components, machines and in-process monitoring systems for the production of synthetic filaments. We serve the market through know-how, with over 45 years of experience, delivering perfect heat treatment for filament fibre applications, from trusted hands. With a wide portfolio of innovative ...

Retech | Home

Since 1963, Retech Systems LLC has been a global leader in the supply of vacuum metallurgical equipment. Play Video. Our Advanced Technologies. Explore our advanced …

Home | ReTech

ReTech maintain the risk At Re Tech, we offer all types of solutions whether it is treaty or facultative with capabilities to serve all lines of business. While we do the business as any other does, our model keeps us fully dedicated to ease up any possible complexity. We are committed to carry all our operations within our platform with aim ...

Retech | Plasma Arc Melting (PAM) Furnaces

Retech plasma torch furnaces use an electrically excited gas, typically Helium or Argon, to melt materials in a sealed chamber under an inert atmosphere. Each furnace can be supplied in different configurations, depending on the input materials and the form of the product that is desired. Similar to other Retech furnaces, each configuration can be …

ReTech SD Ltd.

RETECH SD Ltd. 279G Vladislav Varnenchik Blvd. 9023 Varna, Bulgaria Phone: +359 52 616 669; +359 52 623 308 E-mail: r e c h ech.bg This website is using cookies. By using our website you agree to the use of cookies.

Retech | Casting Furnaces

Retech Casting furnaces and technology are ideally applicable for a range of products from ingot production, alloying and slabs for rolling, to commercial, consumer and aerospace applications demanding precision Equiax (EQ), Directionally Solidified (DS) and Single-Crystal (SC) parts. Our casting furnaces are ideally suited, uniquely configurable and …

Retech | Company

Since 1963, Retech has been a global leader in the supply of metallurgical processing equipment for demanding industries in ever-changing markets. Retech has been a …

Retech | Company

Since 1963, Retech has been a global leader in the supply of metallurgical processing equipment for demanding industries in ever-changing markets. Retech has been a pioneer in the application of Electron Beam Cold Hearth Melting, Plasma Cold Hearth Melting, and Cold Wall Induction. Retech also developed the Rototrode® (non-consumable arc) and ...

бөмбөлөг тээрэмдэх хар нунтаг

нойтон нунтаглах бөмбөлөг тээрэмийг нунтаглах. гулин нойтон бөмбөлөг тээрэмдэх машин - одоо байна Алтыг нунтаглах машин bscert нойтон бөмбөг тээрэмдэх арга БТКУС . нунтаглах машин …