Ган гэж юу вэ?

Үйлдвэрлэл. ... дэд бүтцийн барилгын ажилд ганыг түгээмэл ашигладаг бөгөөд салхин турбин болон газрын тосны цооногуудын амин чухал ...

Wind turbines and services

Expertise and global track record. One of Siemens Gamesa's biggest advantages is the fact that we are successfully and globally engaged in all areas of the wind power business: Onshore, Offshore and Service. With an optimized and streamlined catalogue, we offer the best product and service for each project and its varying site conditions.

Салхины энергитэй ажиллах

ЭХ СУРВАЛЖ: Охайо дахь nasa-гийн Мод-0 судалгааны салхин турбин нэг иртэй роторын тохиргоог туршсан. Гэрэл зургийг НАСА Гленн судалгааны төв. Ихэнх салхин сэнс нь хоёр эсвэл гурван ир ашигладаг.

Jobs & Careers in renewable energy | Siemens Gamesa

Siemens Gamesa came into being in 2017 when Siemens Wind Power and Gamesa united their wind power businesses to create a leader in the renewable energy industry. We travelled to different locations of Siemens Gamesa - from Spain, Germany, Denmark, China, India, Mexico to the US. Careers in the Netherlands. Careers in France.