Obklady na stenu

Ak by ste si chceli pozrieť obklady na stenu a na fasádu naživo, radi vás privítame v našom showroome, kde nájdete všetky vzorky. Najpredávanejšie. Alabaster Sky 1232 60x60 R BA. Na objednávku. Skladom. 23,90 €. Adaggio Gold Pulido 60x120 R. Skladom. 39,90 €.

LED panely 120x60 cm

LED panely 120x60 jsou trefou do černého, splňují veškeré zmíněné požadavky. Nejvyužívanější jsou hlavně v komerčních prostorách, ale cestu si najdou prakticky kamkoliv. Investujte i vy do tohoto atraktivního zdroje světla, který je součástí naší nabídky. Filtrovat zrušit všechny filtry ...

LAGKAPTEN / ALEX desk, black-brown/black, 120x60 cm

LAGKAPTEN / ALEX desk, black-brown/black, 120x60 cm This desk has a generous surface and practical storage for binders, paper pads and other things you want close at hand. The timeless, simple design blends in everywhere and with most styles. Behind the door is a shelf that you can move as needed.

matrace 120x60 | Srovnanicen.cz

Lorelli Nepropustný chránič matrace 60x120. Nepropustný chránič matrace Lorelli, rozměr: 120x60 cm. Snadno udržovatelný, lze prát v pračce, odvádí vlhkost, elastický, ekologický, tlumící, se stažením na gumu. Materiál: 80% bavlna, 20% PE. Tento e-shop nezískal dostatečný počet hodnocení za posledních 90 dní.

Detské matrace 60x120 cm | FAVI.sk

Novaya Detský latexový matrac (nezónový) Rozmer: 120x60, Poťahová látka: Aloe Vera, Tvrdosť matraca: Mäkký (55/60 kg/m3) 169,00 €. Pre zobrazenie viacerých produktov odoberte niektorý z filtrov. 60x120 cm detské Odobrať všetko.

Computer Desk 120x60 | Wayfair

Showing results for "computer desk 120x60" 29,017 Results. Sort & Filter. Recommended. Sort by +2 Sizes Available in 3 Sizes. Harbe Metal Base Computer Desk. by 17 Stories. From $139.99 $156.99 (121) Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars.121 total votes. 1-Day Delivery. FREE Shipping. Get it Tomorrow. 1-Day Delivery.


120x60 ; 100x100 ; 80x80 ; View all . Concept Gallery Refined projects to be inspired by and start designing right away. Discover . Project Gallery A selection of settings designed with Roman and RomanGranit tiles. Discover ...

120x60cm | 80x80cm | 60x60cm

120x60 cm 80x80 cm 60x60 cm. A journey from tiles to lifestyles - measured in square feet. H&R Johnson (India) is a division of Prism Johnson Limited, one of India's foremost Integrated Building Materials conglomerates. Established in 1958, Johnson is one of the oldest and trusted brands in the country. Built on the strong and unswerving ...

BAYONA 60X120 | Product

BAYONA 60X120 | Product - Baldocer cerámica. Rectified. Frost proof. No Repetitive. Shade Variation: High. Versatile. Porcelain. View settings. Download. BAYONA IVORY …

60x120 Tiles | 24x48 inch Tiles | 60x120 cm Porcelain Tiles

This size of tile combines perfectly with the 60×60 format, giving rise to geometric-type decorative creations. This makes it suitable for any project, whether large commercial or residential. Perfect for tiling large areas, 60×120 tiles offer a surface texture that interprets the characteristics of other materials such as stone, concrete or ...

60×120 – Domis enterijeri

P.P. MARLIN GREY ITACA 60X120CM /1.44M2/ A-15% RETIFICIRANA. Granitne plocice imaju izuzetne karakteristike kao retificirane dobijamo savršeno tačno iste fugne, pogodne za podno grejanje, lako održavanje, otporne na habanje. Granitne pločice imamo u dimenzijama 60×60, 60×120, 80×160, 120×120, 120×240. Granitne pločice iskustva ...


БИТУМ. ОХУ–ын Роснефть, Газпром үйлдвэрүүдийн чанарын шаардлага хангасан, авто замд хэрэглэх зориулалттай БНбД 90/130, БНбД 100/130 маркийн хатуу болон …

120x60 Strand Blanco

Delivery & Returns. The 120x60 Strand Blanco White are high quality, gloss glazed porcelain wall and floor tiles, square-shaped, available in five colours. They come factory sealed, ensuring extra protection and durability. Their convincing stone resemblence utilises modern production techniques, allowing the buyer to enjoy the look of real ...

Panel backlight LED

Panel backlight LED Iluminación 5.22 3 000 4 100 6 000 Panel backlight LED Código W V Hz lm Vida 9403138 60 120-277 50/60 6 000 50 000 (horas) K Ángulo 120º IP-40